
Sep 27, 2022

Rev. R.B. Holmes Jr., pastor, Bethel Missionary Baptist Church: [Writing on notepad, sitting at his desk] This virus does not discriminate. It kills. This virus does not care if you are a Democrat, Republican, independent. This virus does not care about your, your sex, age nor ZIP code. It hurts. Does not, and must not win. 

[Standing] This virus does not play favoritism. This virus does not care about your ZIP code, not your gender, not your age, not your race. Many of us have been impacted by this virus. We all know someone who has died, been in the hospital, infected and still recovering from COVID-19.

In this community, 300 local deaths, close to 40,000 across this great state. We have a long road to travel. We must let our light shine. We must be our brothers' and sisters' keeper. We walk by faith and not by fear. Too many people of color have not taken the shots. I am appealing to you, and young Americans, that it is your moral obligation to get vaccinated, sooner than later.

This pandemic has been difficult for many of us. Some are depressed and discouraged, and others have given up and lost hope in the midst of this pandemic. I believe God has answered our prayers and sent some vaccines to help us, bless us, comfort us and heal us. God is a healer, and God works through doctors, scientists and medical experts to help us live a healthy life until he calls us home. God, in Genesis, made everything. From God, comes medicine. From God, comes vaccines. From God, comes healing. From God!

I didn't mean to get too loud in here.

Just thinking about the person of Jesus, make you shout. Enjoy this season. Don't get bitter, and then don't, don't fall out, and don't give up in this season, because the best is yet to come. God said, "I will answer." So brother and sisters, be encouraged, be strengthened and call upon God. Christ, conquering COVID-19.

Everybody standing. [People stand and applaud.]

[Piano playing, woman singing, "Listen to the music. The sound of the angels, singing to the child."]