
Sep 27, 2022

[Translated from Spanish]

[A neighborhood in Chelsea, Massachusetts]

Gladys Vega, Executive Director, La Colaborativa:
I came from Puerto Rico when I was 9. I am 53 now. I would not choose any other place to live than Chelsea.

We are a Latin and Central American community. It is a small community. A community where people feel welcome. We are also a sanctuary city. Many are undocumented, but they are responsible members of our community.

What the pandemic did was lift the veil from poverty in our community. Any financial help that you need if you don't have enough money to pay the rent, we have a very good program that gives up to $10,000 toward late rent payments.

When the virus was extremely active in our community, I went out knocking on doors. In my 32 years working in this community, knocking on doors is my specialty. We are here visiting people in the community to make sure you are vaccinated.

Usually, when we knock on the door I try to talk to them about getting vaccinated. We're providing vaccinations to the community.

Have you been vaccinated already? Oh, that's great! Whenever you're ready we can take you there. It's OK, we also offer window service. Remember, vaccines save lives. We have a vaccination center. It's important that you do it. Here are some masks and alcohol swabs. [Handing supplies through window.]

[Standing and talking to woman outside] Are you vaccinated? -No... -But have you scheduled an appointment? -No, because first of all, I am undocumented. -Vaccination has nothing to do with immigration status. They can schedule you an appointment.

I am committed to the cause, to protect the voices of people who are undocumented. Because without them this country does not work.

Girls, she is interested in getting the vaccine. Right now, the only tool we have in front of us is the vaccine.

When I reflect on the threats of the pandemic, I can't imagine having a life without human contact. I want to know, who has been vaccinated here? Who is vaccinated? Vaccines do not kill. COVID kills. And if you don't get vaccinated, we won't be able to end this pandemic. [Crowd claps and cheers.]

The people who survived the pandemic in the face of challenges like hunger, maybe not having a house or being harassed by a landlord because they didn't have money to pay the rent, our community will come out strengthened by this pandemic. This will only drive us to improve our quality of life, as a united community, knowing what we don't want to go back to. [People wearing masks and dancing.]